Monday, October 4, 2010

The House of Bernarda Alba" will be put on by a spectacular cast of UMass students on our very own campus. The show was written by Federico Garcia Lorca and is sure to be a crowd pleaser. This play is a more dark production when compared to the Musical that the drama department is also producing. It is the tale of a woman and her daughters as they go through a period of mourning after the demise of her second husband. It is the story of a young girl who wants to defy her mothers’ will. This play was written by a famous traditional Spanish playwright, so it will spark the interest of many classical play lovers.

Rehearsals have been occurring every every week night since September 21st for the cast, and will continue until the show dates on Oct. 28, 29, 30 and Nov. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 at 8 p.m., Oct. 30 and Nov. 6 at 2 p.m.

The cast list for this show was posted on the blog for the UMass theater group, that can be found here. It is as follows…

Bernarda Alba Jeannine Haas

Maria Josefa TBD

Angustias Kate Hare

Magdelena Emily Brown

Amelia Eva Wright

Martirio Brittany Costa

Adela Annelise Nielsen

Maid Monica Giardano

Poncia Linda Tardif

Prudencia Eve Mugar

Beggar Woman Mikayla Dalton

First Mourner Corinne Hushchle

Second Mourner Lily Kaufman

Third Mourner Katie Carver

Girl Julia Lis

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